Chion-in: the last of the Kyoto tour!

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
OK guys, here's the last dose of Kyoto focusing around the last temple we visited, Chion-in. Everything about this temple is BIG. The main gatehouse is BIG, the main temple building is BIG, the stairway to the temple is BIG, the grounds are BIG...I think you get the picture...

Here is a shot of the gatehouse. Yes, those ants on the stair are people. The thing looks like some huge inverted ship on massive posts.


Beyond the gatehouse is the main stair leading up to the temple grounds. Here's a shot from above looking down towards the gatehouse.


And a shot of the main temple building. Monstrous!


The nearby pines, mostly Japanese red pine, were lovely.


Finally, a random shot from the Arashiyama area across town. These little guys are called jizo. They are representations of one of the main Bodhisattva in Asia. This divinity is known as a protector of children, particularly those who have passed on or were saved from great danger such as an accident or disease. In Japan these characters are made to look more child-like and sweet as seen here. That little guy at the end is just too cute!


Well, that's that. I hope you enjoyed the virtual tour. I know I'll be making the journey back to Kyoto one day.
:clap::clap:Sorry to see it ending, really enjoyed the tour, Thanks Tom!
The Jizo are adorable!:D
WOW!!! Great pictures!!! Wonderful all! Thank you Tom!!!

There, Japanese have the red pine and we here have the white and black (Pinus leuchodermis and Pinus nigra respectively) Is there any other colour throughout the world??? hehe...

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