Cymbidium quiebiense

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 15, 2017
Reaction score
Very proud of this one. I imported two of these from Wenqing Perner in spring 2018 (I think? Time flies!). Both went through a very rough adaptation period with rapidly browning foliage; this seems to happen with every Jensoa I import. I’m not sure what causes it abs I don’t know how I turn it around for some but not others; closely related C. kanran has not succeeded, C. goeringii goes to the graveyard in a trice (I will try again with fall imports and more effort to adhere to jokerpass’ instructions). But this species is thrilling to grow with its fibrous yet delicate foliage, distinctive dark purple new pseudo bulbs and, at long last, a proper blooming!

I grow these indoors, smack dab against a breezy (even when closed; old house) south window. The mix is small bark Hausermann’s mix with a lot of pumice and limestone chips. They’re in traditional Asian-style plastic Cymbidium pots with a lot of extra ventilation holes; no idea if these pots are significant contributors to success but I like the aesthetic. Watered weekly pretty much year round with RO/K-Lite.

History of blooming: winter of 2020, I had a nice (but much shorter) spike on this larger plant, which I somehow broke off right before I think the flowers would have opened. I tried to reattach it surgically; dumb idea, predictably failed. Over the summer, I noticed both plants spiking. I got butterflies as the spikes stretched and stretched, 3 buds on the smaller plant, 5 on the larger. The buds swelled with promise of glory and then…and then nothing. They never opened. I don’t know why but I suspected mites. So after the stems went brown and dried up, I treated with Safari as well as organic miticide; mites remain a concern. In October, I noticed a new spike forming on the larger plant! I can only suppose it feels some pressure to bloom after failing to open the other flowers. I have watched and waited on tenterhooks that only orchidfolks understand and now, here we are, Cymbidium quiebiense. No noticeable fragrance. Display pot by the amazing Jamie Kim of South Korea.


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Nice, what time did you check for fragrance? Congrats on the save.
I’ve checked a few times, I don’t detect anything at all. Lou Sneary is in full bloom right now and it’s pretty heavily perfumed, so I know I can smell… I’m glad you liked the plant! I’m tempted to do some pollinating…

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