Well-Known Member
If you mean to buy, then yes, they are hard to find, unless you don't mind supporting the digging of wild plants. I only know of one nursery that is selling seed-grown and divisions of the yellows. Alberta is fortunate to have both Hole's and Garden Slippers to bet your Cyps from. Do you know where Hole's gets their native species Cyps?
For in the wild, we don't have parviflorum var. parviflorum. I think that variety is only in the East. We have millions of var. pubescens and var. makasin, though. They are very easy to find. Can't say I've seen one quite like this one, though. If I am ever fortunate to find an area that is about to be developed that has Cyps, I would get them from there.
I meant to buy.
Unfortunately Hole's is not the nursery it used to be and no longer has much of a selection of rare and interesting plants. I could go into quite a bit of detail about that but I won't, although I will say their former perennials manager, Bob Stadnyk, is now working with me at Greenland Garden Centre. At the risk of sounding cynical (I am), they decided to take the greedy route and build a ridiculous complex that is less garden centre and more a monument to living life in excess. They now mostly stock overpriced bedding plants.
Having said that, Hole's still sells reginae and pubescens, which are both sourced from Vanstone Nurseries in Manitoba. I'm surprised that your local nurseries don't carry those species since there is a grower right on your doorstep that can supply them. Maybe you should bring that to their attention!