If you are being bitten by the dendrochilum bug, a couple of things to consider as your managerie grows. If you are growing them well, you'll end up repotting... and even if if they aren't growing extremely well for you, the health of the stuff in the pot becomes something of concern. I say that because putting spagnum into a potting mix seems like a great idea until the plant has been in that media for more than 9 months (give or take). If you are growing dampt to wet, the sphagnum will start to decay. Once that happens, you'll need to clean up the root system. Dendrochilums don't want you to mess with their root systems that much. So you set your plant back... Consequently you are wrestling with how do you get an open airy mix for their root system, that is always moist, and can be potted up without much disturbance... I grow 25 ish species, and they have almost all moved into small kiwi bark (ala Fred Clark @ Sunset Valley Orchids) and perlite. The kiwi decomposes basically as neutral, so as not to disturb the pH of the root zone. It is reasonably open (with the perlite) allowing you to water regularly. (mine get some level of watering everyday - just heavy mist on many days) The grassy looking species want to be grown very wet. I've started trying to use some rock wool (grodan grow cubes) in the mix for those (williamsii, tenellum, etc.) Jury is still out on that part.