Diuris maculata

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Diuris maculata is one of the tuberous terrestrial orchids from the eastern states of Australia. They adapt well to cultivation and they're reasonably easy to flower but they can be a little slow to multiply. They respond to the same cultivation methods used for most other Australian terrestrials.

Diuris maculata


If you can't make out the flowers, here's a closeup.

Love those crossed spurs! I can't decide if those petals(?) look like hands, ears or wings sticking out on either side, but since the spurs look like long sexy crossed legs, I'll go with hands -- hands opened wide on outstretched arms, waiting to slap together and flatten the next big mosquito which flies by too closely overhead. :rollhappy:

(I'm weird, I know...) :p
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LOVE IT!!! Have been wainting to try some of those Aussie terrestrials, but can't find them here (U.S.).
Very unique! I like it alot! Too bad the australian native are not commonly available elsewhere!
LOVE IT!!! Have been wainting to try some of those Aussie terrestrials, but can't find them here (U.S.).

Unfortunately, it also costs an arm and a leg in paperwork to import them from Australia. If you can flask them, seed may be a better option. The Australian Orchid Foundation's seedbank does list a few terrestrial species. The Terrorchid seed bank also list a few.
Neat. Are these any more difficult that the easier Pterostylis? I like the fact they clump up so nicely to give such a display.

They are a little less forgiving than the colony forming Pterostylis but if you are growing Pterostylis well you shouldn't have much problem growing the easier species of Diuris. Some species are faster to multiply than others, though. This plant has taken me about 5 years to multiply from 2 tubers to 8.
Awesome! Thanks for posting! I need to get down to Australia to see some of the native species in the wild - or actually, see them at all. We don't get Australian terrestrials here.
Extraordinary!!! I 'd love to get some australian terrestrials for cultivation!!! Especially the Caladenia...:drool::drool::D
I've had very good experiences with Nesbitt's Orchids in South Australia. Their contact details are listed under South Australia on the AOC website. AON occassionally lists terrestrials on eBay. AON don't grow terrestrials, they onsell them from other suppliers so they can be unpredictable with regard to what is and when they are available. AON's final bids are far in excess of Nesbitt's catalogue prices. Be aware that any plants you buy from Australia will be 6 months out of season and that the phyto + CITES alone will cost over $100 (probably closer to $150) wherever in Australia you get them.

Outside of Australia you could possibly try Heinrich Beyrle or Ground Orchids in Germany. I have no experience with either of these two vendors.

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