do we really know , or we just accept what we told

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2007
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Many countries refuse to put fluoride in the water, and not just fluoride , the worse thing is now they buy fluoride from China (Gods know what it is )
The part that I worry about is that in minute 53.50 which talking about dose that affects lactose intolerant peoples (which includes Asians)
also the part about fluoride making bones more brittle
I don't know how it is handled in other countries, but in the US anything being used to treat a public water supply would be a matter of public record. Anyone can request to see records of the source of chemicals, certificates of analysis or results of independent testing. And all public or commercially contracted water supplies are subject to periodic testing and results are readily available. Especially since public officials have recently been charged with criminal negligence concerning public water supply, and huge civil suits are pending, I think most people in charge of such things are taking it pretty seriously.

I didn't watch the sensationalist video. I don't know what if any verifiable scientific evidence was presented, but it is pretty clear the purpose of such videos is for someone to make money or gain attention, not any concern for public health. The production values of the opening minutes were enough to make it clear their interest was not in presenting supportable facts.

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