Do you give your parvis cold dry winter rest?

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Linus and KyushuCalanthe: are your talking about Pleione our Paeonia??

Oops, my bad :eek: He's talking about Pleione, I'm talking about Peonies. I need to stop answering posts before waking up (though it is 6:30 AM right now).

There are plenty of Pleione in Yunnan. In northern Sichuan I saw P. bulbocodioides growing in the same valley as C. plectrochilum. Let's try this again, from efloras, Pleione in China:

The entire region gets a distinct dry season in winter regardless of elevation. Since both P. armeniacum and many Pleione often grow as lithophytic plants they would dry out considerably during those months.
Oops, my bad :eek: He's talking about Pleione, I'm talking about Peonies. I need to stop answering posts before waking up (though it is 6:30 AM right now).

There are plenty of Pleione in Yunnan. In northern Sichuan I saw P. bulbocodioides growing in the same valley as C. plectrochilum. Let's try this again, from efloras, Pleione in China:

The entire region gets a distinct dry season in winter regardless of elevation. Since both P. armeniacum and many Pleione often grow as lithophytic plants they would dry out considerably during those months.
