Don't hurt your plant's feelings

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Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Johnson City, TN
Guess what!? Plants can hear and feel and counter-attack:

Now if only we can communicate and tell them to grow and bloom better. Maybe that is what the Vivaldi does?

I'm going to wire my green house for sound---when I eventually have one. I will play munchy catepillar noises in the spring and fall to boost their defense systems and Vivaldi the rest of the time. Vivaldi composed more than 500 pieces. It shouldn't get monotonous. I'm sure the plants would enjoy Bach and other Baroque composers as well.
OK, OK, so I flout convention and leave KCSM on 24/7. Jazz. I know that plants like it because they just won't stop growing and blooming, but I know that they didn't like at first. They wanted their Vivaldi and Mozart back! I'm selfish. I love jazz...
Ah; doors fans = stoned = aliflor
I can see the connections (jk)
Of course with the s/h that the plants prefer, their favorite band could possibly be the Rolling Stones

You're talking about the 'other room' filled with Grateful Dead, roots reggae and funky soul rhythms. Mine sing a similar chune.
All my orchids could hear was the hum of the fans so after reading this I turned on Pandora for them and started playing Hawaiian music. Orchids grow well in Hawaii!!!!!

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