Don't Throw Your Used Orchid Bark Away

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2015
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North Carolina
I make my own orchid mix that contains bark, pumice, perlite, expanded shale etc. I have never used charcoal because it's too expensive and I have a lot of plants.
My 'Great" idea... Lol
I take all of my used orchid mix and turn it into charcoal... here's how
Heres my barrel of used mix.
I fill a empty paint can I got from the paint store. Put a nail hole in the lid and place securely on the can the place it over a fire.
View attachment 20250104_134922.mp4

Once the can and tents get hot steam the fire will come out of the nail hole. Once the flame stops coming out of the nail hole take the can out and let it cool off completely.
What's left inside is homemade charcoal for you next batch of orchid mix.
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How do you clean the paint out of the can? How do you separate pumice, etc from charcoal?
I don't... the plant parts as well as any moss turn into char also. Those things can break up pretty small so from now on I'm separating it out ahead of time. As for the pumice and other stuff I use, it just goes through the process with the bark. The high heat burns off any fertilizer or chemicals and I just add it all back into my new batch of orchid mix. I'm always happy with more inorganic material but it's not that much more in the end.
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The high heat burns off any fertilizer or chemicals and I just add it all back into my new batch of orchid mix.
I doubt you're "burning off" nearly as much as you think. Most fertilizer ingredients are inorganic mineral salts, so may not be burned off at all.

Calcium nitrate, for example, melts at around 1041°F, and I doubt you're reaching that, so any residues just sit there. I imagine some of them become oxides, if you let in enough air.
horticultural charcoal is made from hardwood. Burnt 'bark' will disintigrate quickly.
Im also concerned about the accumulated 'salts' and wouldnt re-use the mix for orchids. Probbaly fine for the garden/pot plants
I doubt you're "burning off" nearly as much as you think. Most fertilizer ingredients are inorganic mineral salts, so may not be burned off at all.

Calcium nitrate, for example, melts at around 1041°F, and I doubt you're reaching that, so any residues just sit there. I imagine some of them become oxides, if you let in enough air.
Many woods burn at temperatures over 1000⁰ F.
Oak - up to 1652⁰ F
Spruce - up to 1148⁰ F
Just to list a couple that burn hot enough to clean it up.
horticultural charcoal is made from hardwood. Burnt 'bark' will disintigrate quickly.
Im also concerned about the accumulated 'salts' and wouldnt re-use the mix for orchids. Probbaly fine for the garden/pot plants
Ozpaph... which do you think disintegrates faster - bark or the same bark carbonized. That would be the new bark.
They way you recharge charcoal is to expose it to high heat which this process does.

Check out:
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Actually charcoal isn't that expensive, A 50-pound bag of charcoal costs less than a good Paph and it will last for a long while...
I put my old bark mix in the garden beds....
Its a great idea and if it works for you keep doing it. I think this is a great idea. The cautions mentioned above make sense, but overall it is a really good idea.
Many woods burn at temperatures over 1000⁰ F.
Oak - up to 1652⁰ F
Spruce - up to 1148⁰ F
Just to list a couple that burn hot enough to clean it up.
Phred - don’t get me wrong, I like what you’re doing, but I think you’re idea that the bark has been chemically purified isn’t 100% correct.

Most orchid barks are literally bark bits, not the core wood, so will have different combustion properties. I use oak bark as my kindling.

You’re not fully burning the stuff in the first place. Strictly speaking, charcoal is produced when the organic matter is heated without sufficient oxygen to burn it, and that can occur at a lower temperature (400-500F) than occurs for full oxidation (burning).
Phred - don’t get me wrong, I like what you’re doing, but I think you’re idea that the bark has been chemically purified isn’t 100% correct.

Most orchid barks are literally bark bits, not the core wood, so will have different combustion properties. I use oak bark as my kindling.

You’re not fully burning the stuff in the first place. Strictly speaking, charcoal is produced when the organic matter is heated without sufficient oxygen to burn it, and that can occur at a lower temperature (400-500F) than occurs for full oxidation (burning).
My concern would be latent viruses, not being destroyed. If the temp throughout the mix (do you stir it to make sure center is heated thoroughly) reaches 400-500 F for 2 full hours, then they should be killed (that’s the recommended 425 F for baking clay pots, rhizome clips, etc.) but I’d be concerned you can’t really know the consistent temp of the mix. But honestly, this is way out of my wheelhouse, and I err on the side of caution.
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Phred - don’t get me wrong, I like what you’re doing, but I think you’re idea that the bark has been chemically purified isn’t 100% correct.

Most orchid barks are literally bark bits, not the core wood, so will have different combustion properties. I use oak bark as my kindling.

You’re not fully burning the stuff in the first place. Strictly speaking, charcoal is produced when the organic matter is heated without sufficient oxygen to burn it, and that can occur at a lower temperature (400-500F) than occurs for full oxidation (burning).
Hi Ray
I appreciate the back and forth.
It's not the material in the can that matters... its the material being burned in the fire to make the charcoal that determines the temperature. Also, if I set the can on a fire that's 1100⁰ F the contents of the can will hear up to just about the same temperature buy the time its done. As the contents heat up any moisture is driven off. You can hear and see the steam coming out of the nail hole. Once the steam is gone and the contents continue to heat up the gases that come out of the nail hole burn. The reason the contents can reach the temperature of the fire with out burning up is because there is no oxygen.
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My only remaining question is “just how do you know the entire interior temperature reaches the external flame temp?”

I spent most of my career in the chemical industry, and one of the things I dealt with was a metals recovery system/toxic waste incinerator. We ran that at about 2000F to fully decompose the “nasties”, but I’ll acknowledge that part of that was to accelerate the process.

I guess one way to verify the cleanliness of the result is to soak some in pure water, filter it and measure the EC. It should be zero.

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