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Thanks. Yes, I water my paphs only once in winter, temp is around 18-20 C. Humidity is high, aruond 80-85%.
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Excellent one! How long is it open? I Wonder If the dorsal will reflex.
Very nice round flower! Even more satisfaction when things are not that simple.
Well done Dodi
Fin rund og flot blomst, kunne godt tænke mig at se din plante også😇Hvordan dyrker du din plante? Jeg har selv en emersonii som jeg har fra Popow, har haft den i 3-4 år men den har aldrig blomstret, nok mest på grund af mangel på info omkring dyrkningen af den, nogle siger at den skal stå varmt og andre at den skal stå køligt, lidt forvirrende info, og derfor har jeg haft lidt problemer, især vinter hvor lyset er sparsomt, men den har klaret det, og har et nyskud på vej, så jeg krydser fingre for at den bliver god igen, men det kunne være rart at få lidt info omkring dyrkning fra folk der har succes med den som du dodidoki (y)
Fin rund og flot blomst, kunne godt tænke mig at se din plante også😇Hvordan dyrker du din plante? Jeg har selv en emersonii som jeg har fra Popow, har haft den i 3-4 år men den har aldrig blomstret, nok mest på grund af mangel på info omkring dyrkningen af den, nogle siger at den skal stå varmt og andre at den skal stå køligt, lidt forvirrende info, og derfor har jeg haft lidt problemer, især vinter hvor lyset er sparsomt, men den har klaret det, og har et nyskud på vej, så jeg krydser fingre for at den bliver god igen, men det kunne være rart at få lidt info omkring dyrkning fra folk der har succes med den som du dodidoki (y)
Thanks, but i can t understand.🙄
Thanks, but i can t understand.🙄
From google translate (which did a surprisingly good job!), here is Hamilton's post:
Nice round and beautiful flower, I would like to see your plant too. How do you grow your plant? I myself have an emersonii that I have from Popow, have had it for 3-4 years but it has never bloomed, probably mostly due to lack of info about growing it, some say that it should be warm and others that it should stand cool, a little confusing info, and therefore I have had some problems, especially winter where the light is sparse, but it has managed it, and has a new shot on the way, so I cross my fingers that it will be good again, but it could be nice to get some info about cultivation from people who are successful with it like you dodidoki
About emersonii.I killed many hangianums and emersonni while i kept them in bark.They lost all roots within few weeks.I tried with less waterings, invain.I saw many in situ pics and noticed that all plants live on rock, but none in soil. I modified my potting mix, i use mix of pumice, clay balls, and bark, 2:2:1 ratio. Another way i tried with my hangi is next: I filled the pot up to 66% with pure pumice, i set the plant in pot, the 33% of surface rough coco fiber and bark.Result is incredible, I sent pics about.Many of new, living roots, nice new growth. They like warm in summer ( 22-28C) but cooler conditions ( 18-20C)in winter, less waterings but high humidity, like malipoenses.


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That is a nice one! congrats!
I grow mine pretty much like most Parvi Paph. species, half bark-half charcoal mix, normal watering when warm, slighly drier when the weather is cooling off. once every 8-10 days during the dark winter months.
Congrats!! Thanks to share the plants and your nice culture! I’m with Guru, this emersonii is very beautiful one
About emersonii.I killed many hangianums and emersonni while i kept them in bark.They lost all roots within few weeks.I tried with less waterings, invain.I saw many in situ pics and noticed that all plants live on rock, but none in soil. I modified my potting mix, i use mix of pumice, clay balls, and bark, 2:2:1 ratio. Another way i tried with my hangi is next: I filled the pot up to 66% with pure pumice, i set the plant in pot, the 33% of surface rough coco fiber and bark.Result is incredible, I sent pics about.Many of new, living roots, nice new growth. They like warm in summer ( 22-28C) but cooler conditions ( 18-20C)in winter, less waterings but high humidity, like malipoenses.
So impressive. I wanna repot right now!