Epidendrum schizoclinandrium

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
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Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
This is a recent purchase (Redland 2016) from Orquideas Amazonica, and it is the first bloom at my place. I was looking for information about this species, but there isn't much. There are some confusing aspects of several related species, and I can't positively confirm the ID. But it does look similar to the photos of this species; e.g, Parsons and Gerritsen. 2013. A Compendium of Miniature Orchid Species Volume 1, and Zelenko & Bermudez 2009 Orchid Species of Peru. It's making only a couple flowers, but I decided to write down what I learned in my Orchid Borealis blog post (link).

Does anyone know a place where I can buy Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum (the original description of this species is in there)? In this web page, I can see contact info, and AOS bookstore is one of them. But I didn't find it listed in AOS.

Epidendrum schizoclinandrium on Flickr

Epidendrum schizoclinandrium column on Flickr

Epidendrum schizoclinandrium plant on Flickr
Mike, it is in the same group as E. medusae. The taxonomy of the group seems to be a bit messy. According to IOSPE, some people group a bunch of related species together as E. schlechterianum, but others have separated them into several geographic species.
Naoki, again you've stunned me with your outstanding
collection of orchids I've never seen. The flowers are
unusual and quite exotic. That close up looks dangerous
like it might bite!
Thank you, all! I added quite a few photos of the dissected flower in the blog post while I was learning about the related species. The lip is fused to the column, and it is quite interesting inside.
very nice i always fine this genus a very nice one with something in there that is different
Fascinating. Wonderful root growth on your plant.
I have an Epidendrum longirepens with similar leaves but it hasn't flowered for many years.

Mine seems to grow fairly quickly. I hope your E. longirepens will flower. My understanding is that it is also from Peru, but it is from lower altitude (warm-intermediate).

blondie, yes, I don't have many Epidendrum, but those compact Epidendrum are very cool.
Tracey, when I looked up the climatic info, E. longiepens seems to be from very warm area (Iquitos, min/max of 70/90F all year). But Marni seems to be grow it with cool end of intermediate: https://www.orchidsforum.com/threads/epidendrum-longirepens.17468/

Thanks, Paphluvr. I did find the complete set (800 plates) from Ingram's better Orchid Books. The last part, plates 601-800, seems to be difficult to find. Here is the link: https://orchidexchange.org/shop/boo...peruviarum-by-d-e-bennett-jr-e-a-christenson/

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