Escape from New York

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
Hey folks,

I'm back from my trip finally. The return was intense due to a strong, but short snow storm when I got to Laguardia Airport...I was supposed to fly to Dulles, and then Narita in Tokyo, and finally home, but all that was lost since the airport effectively shut down for several hours. As fate would have it I ended up being routed through Toronto, then took the polar route to Seoul, and finally back home to Fukuoka. It took just under 40 hours from my mother's front door to mine here in Japan. Needless to say, I'm frazzled and dazzled...

Don't know when I'll come around and start posting again. My body and mind are quite confused at the moment!
Holy crap, you sure took the long way around, eh?

Don't be gone from here too long; you know how the posts pile up. :evil:
We can wait but not for long :poke:!!!

Take your time, have a nice rest and all will turn out ok!!!! :D:D:D The good thing is that you arrived safely!
Glad you're back safe & sound!
The joys of traveling during this time of the year & the holidays!
I'm glad that you made it back safely. Now get some rest. :snore::snore::snore:
I can't imagine a 40 hour plane trip, even with stopovers. My longest one was 17 hours. But glad you are back safe. Now, get some rest.
Thanks all for the welcome home!

Glad you made it home safe! Hope the weather is more mild in Japan than it has been here!

Oddly enough, I feel much colder here in Japan due to the houses here - they are just built to be cold!

Eric, can I surmise your trips to Berlin weren't just business related?

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