Euphorbia sp.

  • Thread starter Eric Muehlbauer
  • Start date
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Eric Muehlbauer

Last year when I took my son to visit Dave Horak at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Dave gave him a tiny little seedling from the succulent house. It was maybe 2" tall....well, its now about 7" tall, robust, and blooming, and obviously a Euphorbia. Anybody have any idea of which species it could be?
I had suspected crown of thorns, but the leaves are smaller than the normal red flowered form that I have.
from what i've seen, and i haven't always checked tags to verify, but it seems that leaf size on crown of thorns is rather variable
Yep. I agree that it's a Euphorbia milli, also know as crown of thorns. I had some interesting red and peach ones a few years ago.
Thanks...I compared this plant with my crown of thorns...the leaves on the red form are about 3X larger, and much wider. But, crown of thorns was what I had suspected from the I'll go along with the consensus. I didn't think it would bloom within a year.
Thai nurserymen have been doing a lot of breeding with Euphorbia millii, there are now polyploid versions with gigantic leaves all the way down to genetic dwarfs. The color pallet includes white, green, yellow, oranges and reds. There has been some hybridization with a couple closely related species, but most are largely E. millii.

That your E. millii has larger leaves than this one your son has is not suprising, there are a lot of different varieties available now.

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