Evaporative Cooler for Basement Grow room

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hi All, I am adding to this post to keep all the information under one thread.

Earlier this year I was approached by Baltimore Magazine. The editor caught wind of my basement grow room and contacted me for an interview. I am a bit reclusive on social media, rarely posting outside of community groups. I pushed the editor off for a year, and relented this past winter. Originally, I was a bit shy when the article came out and I thought no one was going to catch it, a small write up on the very last page. At first this was the case, then the next month came around and they released it online. Local friends and acquaintances contacted me to extend their appreciation of the article popping on their digital feed. Months past and I was contacted a few weeks ago by a local digital media group. They asked and received permission to put together a spin off write up with a live interview and grow room tour. (Both article links below).

This time around the local societies I belong to immediately found it. Since this past winter I have become less apprehensive about social/ digital media and through the encouragement of other society members (@Linus_Cello ) wanted to also share these articles with our online community. Probably the first time most of you will see my face. The point of this post and overall change in position is to inspire the next generation of orchid growers as our community expands. In the past 17 or so years I have been growing our shared hobby has been through some tough times. The continued decline of U.S. based nurseries and shrinking society memberships both local and nationally have taken their toll on this once thriving pastime.

This said, I feel we are at a crossroads of sorts and entering an exciting time for newcomers in our hobby. Technology has provided a ratchet of solutions, which did not exist when I first started growing. Examples are advancements in LED lights, use of FB groups, Instagram and online media for instant communication and plant sales (live auctions, pop ups), Zoom for societies to utilize and allow a broader reach to membership. I'm only touching on a few larger points. I hope this information provides inspiration to the next generation of growers that will stumble along these pages during their late night searches on how to grow orchids indoors under led lights. Many of the basic specs and details are outlined at the start of this thread... may it be useful on your new found adventure.

I want to take a moment to thank this forum (everyone here who contributes information and time) for existing, Slippertalk has been and continues to be a wealth of information, fostering a fantastic space for the worlds top growers to share and exchange ideas of their personal growing experiences with one another.

Happy Growing,


  1. Baltimore Magazine Article, Feb 2024
  2. Fox45 Article and YT video, September 2024
Thanks, Pete. These are wonderful. I was coming here this morning to ask about the Fox45 piece because it just popped up on my Google feed.

I appreciate your openness and willingness to encourage orchid growers everywhere!
Glad you are spreading the word as it will inspire many. I’m at the point of needing more than my 9 x 12 room under lights and community covenants prohibit free standing structures so I’m looking at maybe expanding my basement growing area. I was just about to start picking your brain so this will really help. Oh and if it’s okay, I’ll share with VOS.
Wish I had a basement to use. But out west there are few. Much easier than a greenhouse.
I actually saw and read your article Peter. And it is inspiring! Because my goal is to one day grow and hobby breed orchids in my basement :)

This forum is invaluable! it has taught me so many new tricks on how to growth my orchids better.
Your interview was fantastic. For me, the process is the main attraction. The flowers tell you whether the process was good. As a physician, I think of it as a biology experiment more than creating art. Doing it the right way (the way you are doing it) is still expensive and time consuming, so it is not easy, but very rewarding for the right type of person.

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