Well-Known Member
If you find yourself with some extra cash lying around this Fall and you are in the Great Lakes area, I have to announce 2 Orchid Shows to tell you about.
#1. Michiana Orchid Society Show on September 30th and October 1st., 2023. The show is on the grounds of Holy Cross University. All pertinent information can be found on the societies web site.
#2. Ann Arbor Orchid Society and Show the weekend of November 17-19, 2023. It is held on the grounds of the Matthaei Botanical Garden. Additional information can be found on the AOS web page at www.AOS.org Just look on the “Events Page”
Both shows have orchid sales, AOS judging lectures and exhibits. Orchid supplies are also available.

I also took a photo of your villosum while setting up my display