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You must be getting tired of all the Coelogyne's :rollhappy:
So first up we have C. ochraceai love the smell of this plant extremely strong. I grow this way to warm than what the books say. But i water very heavliy when in growth and summer, then completely stop watering once the growths are mature. I might give the plant a water once every three months if I genorus.
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I love this species Make a nice plant with large flowers I growth this warm but get flowers a lot earlier than i should.
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This one is one of the few that survived from my original collection so have a very big soft spot for it, its cristata var aba. a very ugly plant but pure white flowers to it.
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Next up is lawrenceana it has massive flower opening one after the other, it dose make a large plant and dose everthing in its power to grow out side the pot.
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This one has coursed me a bit of a fight with other people, i was sold this as luteo alba but have been told this should be coelogyne pempahisheyana.
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This one is another one that has coursed a bit of an upset, this was sold to me as grandulosa but upset and been told that i was sold a wrong plant and this is intermedia.
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I honestly dont have that many more plants to go.
You must be getting tired of all the Coelogyne's :rollhappy:
So first up we have C. ochraceai love the smell of this plant extremely strong. I grow this way to warm than what the books say. But i water very heavliy when in growth and summer, then completely stop watering once the growths are mature. I might give the plant a water once every three months if I genorus.

I love this species Make a nice plant with large flowers I growth this warm but get flowers a lot earlier than i should.

This one is one of the few that survived from my original collection so have a very big soft spot for it, its cristata var aba. a very ugly plant but pure white flowers to it.

Next up is lawrenceana it has massive flower opening one after the other, it dose make a large plant and dose everthing in its power to grow out side the pot.

This one has coursed me a bit of a fight with other people, i was sold this as luteo alba but have been told this should be coelogyne pempahisheyana.

This one is another one that has coursed a bit of an upset, this was sold to me as grandulosa but upset and been told that i was sold a wrong plant and this is intermedia.

I honestly dont have that many more plants to go.