After fighting thrips, moving from our RV home of 2.5 years and into an apartment, and going away for Christmas, the new shelf is up!
Positioning etc will have to be tweaked, but I'm so happy to now have the space for this. Should have gone for the Spider Farmer light that was the same as this one but twice as long- lol, oh well. Gives me some fringes to put less light-thirsty things on.
Not the best quality picture, just had to share because I just finished moving them!
P.S. No signs of thrips after a little over a month of faithfully using various things to kill them, then stopping once our move happened because, let's be real, I barely got to water them for a few weeks. I still intend to treat them with something extra special as a final preventative measure. I had some BV Yellow Bird blooms push through, and my phrag Eric Young 1/2 flava from Orchids Ltd is in bud. Lost my two other phrag sheaths to the thrips and my overzealous rubbing alcohol spraying, I think.
After fighting thrips, moving from our RV home of 2.5 years and into an apartment, and going away for Christmas, the new shelf is up!
Positioning etc will have to be tweaked, but I'm so happy to now have the space for this. Should have gone for the Spider Farmer light that was the same as this one but twice as long- lol, oh well. Gives me some fringes to put less light-thirsty things on.
Not the best quality picture, just had to share because I just finished moving them!
P.S. No signs of thrips after a little over a month of faithfully using various things to kill them, then stopping once our move happened because, let's be real, I barely got to water them for a few weeks. I still intend to treat them with something extra special as a final preventative measure. I had some BV Yellow Bird blooms push through, and my phrag Eric Young 1/2 flava from Orchids Ltd is in bud. Lost my two other phrag sheaths to the thrips and my overzealous rubbing alcohol spraying, I think.