does anyone see this one on ebay ?
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wow , I look it up again after reading your post of the final price, I did not expect it to fetch a price that high, take into account of Eric's post that there are other white phrags before .This plant sold for almost $900 USD!
Wonder who bought it? Anyone from here?
I agree. Phrags can be notoriously unstable. However, as you know, Dr Leslie, AOS judges are suppose to judge what they see on the judging table, not what the plant looked like the day before or what it might look like down the road.I think with these types we need to see in different years under different conditions to see stability. Only then can one be certain if it’s a true white.
Haha indeed we do judge what’s in front.I agree. Phrags can be notoriously unstable. However, as you know, Dr Leslie, AOS judges are suppose to judge what they see on the judging table, not what the plant looked like the day before or what it might look like down the road.