It’s been two years since I bit the bullet and bought a flask of kovachii from Chuck Acker. There was govt stimulus money burning a hole in my pocket and was bored with quarantine life so said ‘why not?’ 
Here’s link to my initial compotting thread here
It’s been two years and much to my surprise only one seedling died and they look great! I still had them in the compot with the high domes, but the leaves had pushed the domes off the base so they were getting air underneath. I was leery of doing something more, since my previous attempts at potting and growing wasabi in modified hydroponic system failed, due to inattention and life distraction. It’s likely I would’ve needed to remove them even sooner, as after a year the growth had stalled/yellowing from too high light and exhaustion of the organic slow release fertilizer. Adjusting light position and reapplying the fertilizer corrected the situation and they continued growing and looking happy. I periodically used inocucor, kelp max and rays quantum probiotic, and almost always RO water at the base, sometimes poured through the top, usually keeping reservoir at 1/2 to 1”. Occasionally reservoir emptying.
Here’s link to my initial compotting thread here
It’s been two years and much to my surprise only one seedling died and they look great! I still had them in the compot with the high domes, but the leaves had pushed the domes off the base so they were getting air underneath. I was leery of doing something more, since my previous attempts at potting and growing wasabi in modified hydroponic system failed, due to inattention and life distraction. It’s likely I would’ve needed to remove them even sooner, as after a year the growth had stalled/yellowing from too high light and exhaustion of the organic slow release fertilizer. Adjusting light position and reapplying the fertilizer corrected the situation and they continued growing and looking happy. I periodically used inocucor, kelp max and rays quantum probiotic, and almost always RO water at the base, sometimes poured through the top, usually keeping reservoir at 1/2 to 1”. Occasionally reservoir emptying.
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