Fragrant triplets

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My phrags and paphs are enjoying their summer off. Some are spiking, but none are blooming at the moment. So I was happy I have some late summer bloomers for the living room

a regular Dend. monoliforme. I don't know that they bloom in summer too! It was a pleasant, and fragrant surprise!


Phal. Mini Mark. It has a musky kind of fragrant.


and the oh-so-strong bubble gum kind of scent, Phal violacea var coerulea. I like the pale lavender color, but it is very hard to capture correctly on lens.

NIce. I wish more slippers had nice fragrances! :(

All of the real pouch paphs have fragrance.
From what I heard:
-armeniacum has daffodil scent
-delenatii has citrus, peppery scent
-emersonii has chocolat, vanilla scent
-malipoense & jackii has rasbery scent
-hangianum has pungent sweet & with a sour note scent.
Hien is right. The fragrances aren't as wafting as some, but when you sniff some paphs up close they can be wonderful, depending on the plant. I really love the scent of my delenatii--it's in my top ten for the fragrance, leaves and blossoms.

All three in your post are wonderful by the way! Moniliforme's scent is fairly subtle to my nose, but it's very pleasant. I've never sniffed Mini Mark, but phals are underrated when it comes to fragrance--there are many aside from violacea and bellina than have great scents. Corningiana is the best for that I think (personal opinion).
Thanks all for your nice comments.

I was quite glad that the violacea bloomed for me. It was difficult to simulate the Borneo "hot and humid" conditions that this group of phal likes, so I took the risk, and grow them in ziploc bags! I put 6 plants in a tray, and put the whole thing in a large ziploc bag and treat them like unflasked seedlings. The bag is slightly open, and they are placed about 8 inches under a 42w CFL so the temp is quite warm. They grow much better this way and now I am rewarded with a flower! :clap: I can't wait for the other ones to spike :D

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