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Ray, I would like to try a sample. I will place a order for other things today. Hopefully you can just include it in there.
I had a large batch of small Phalaenopsis seedlings from a very crowded amateur flask. They weren't doing well - visible patches of white mold, some seedlings just turned translucent and collapsed. They weren't crowded so it wasn't spreading much, just isolated seedlings collapsing. I had decided it was time to do something when Ray made his free sample offer.

2.5 days after treating with Inocucor at 1:50 rate the white mold appears dead, and there haven't been any additional seedlings collapsing. Really too soon to evaluate effectiveness, but I couldn't have expected more from any product at this point. I'll report again in a couple weeks.
The label says to mix it with water (preferably non chlorinated - chlorine will kill the bugs) @ 1:100 and apply throughout the growing season to foliage and soil whenever applying fertilizer, or every 30 days, whichever is more frequent.

For plants showing stress (I'll add - and really tough to grow seedlings), double the concentration and treat weekly.

My bottle says 3T for each gallon, or set the dial on a siphon to 1:100.

Now I'm confused...

I use a siphon, but it has no dial. I'd sure like to use it at 1:100 instead of 3T per gallon. Sure will go a lot further...
Actually, Dot 3 tablespoons is 1.5 oz, or roughly 85:1, so not THAT much different.

1:100 would be 1.28 ounces per gallon, or about 2 tablespoons and a teaspoon.
2.5 days after treating with Inocucor at 1:50 rate the white mold appears dead, and there haven't been any additional seedlings collapsing. Really too soon to evaluate effectiveness, but I couldn't have expected more from any product at this point. I'll report again in a couple weeks.
One of the things that sold me on the product was the experience of a SC strawberry grower. His crop was being devoured by erwinia (I think that was it), so the entire crop was sprayed with 1:50 stuff. Within a few days, there was no further sign of rot and the field actually had its best yield ever.
THANK YOU RAY!!! I just ferilized today mixed with yur inoculator, anxious to notice improvement
Sorry folks, but I'm going to have to cut off the free sample offer to orchid growers. I have a limited supply of samples, and need to "spread the wealth" around to organic gardeners, cannabis growers, etc.
Well I have to say, after the first application the plants are stinky. Nothing has flopped over or grown through the top of the tanks so we'll wait and see.

The timing could not have been better Ray. After rotting out a gigantifolium I noticed that my armeniacum fma. album had some rot. This is uncommon for me so I hope it will curtail any further occurrences.

How do you feel about any applications to Oxyglossum type Dendrobiums and PNG Bulbophyllums? Those can be problematic with rot and traditional methods can be more damaging.

Thanks again.
Hope I got some. Is growing cannabis legal?

Legal or not.... Horticultural supplies off all kinds, even those not used by cannabis growers, would be more expensive and less available if a huge manufacturing and retail distribution system didn't exist to support it. We all benefit from cannabis growers' buying power.
Legal or not.... Horticultural supplies off all kinds, even those not used by cannabis growers, would be more expensive and less available if a huge manufacturing and retail distribution system didn't exist to support it. We all benefit from cannabis growers' buying power.

Yup. I get quite a lot of my orchid supplies from a "hydroponics" store.
Legal or not.... Horticultural supplies off all kinds, even those not used by cannabis growers, would be more expensive and less available if a huge manufacturing and retail distribution system didn't exist to support it. We all benefit from cannabis growers' buying power.
I'll agree with the "thanks to cannabis growers", but those folks are absolutely insane when it comes to magical additives to make their plants grow better. They're even worse than orchid growers! Apparently, the more expensive, the better it is.

For example, this very same product has been sold by one individual into the cannabis world for about a year. It's not called that, as the person buys a 55-gallon drum at a time, and bottles it off, reselling it under his own "brand name" (which I don't know). The price: $250/gallon.
Lol.. the thing is with weed they pay that kind of money bcuse every 90 days they make their money back, orchids from flask for 2 - 5 years is blooming size
I was gonna elaborate on the subject but ray reminded me a while back not to hijack threads ca, colorado its legal
Lol.. purple haze, growing pot is legal in colorado, ca. And also montana maybe idaho too, thats where harrison ford lives thats all he does, he's deserved it lol..

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