So, if I live in Colorado I can just pot MJ in the front yard and let it grow for anyone to pick and smoke? I don't see this ending well at all.
What is the price going to be for the labelled Inocucor product?
So, if I live in Colorado I can just pot MJ in the front yard and let it grow for anyone to pick and smoke? I don't see this ending well at all.
Not Idaho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!maybe idaho
True, how much is ray selling the small bottle of inocucor for?
Test failed - the wife noticed the smell. Luckily it was completely gone by the morning so I'm gonna keep using the product.
Ray - can the Inocucor be diluted, mixed with fertilizer, and stored for a while? I've only got a few pots that would need weekly treatment and it would be much easier to just mix up a gallon at a time and store it for several weeks.