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Lol.. it's not jamaica!!! If the cops roll you and you have some joints or like such small amount they may take them or not and let you go or if you have a plant or two IN THE BACKYARD they may take them or not depending on the circumstance why they would be looking at yur backyard plants and let you go
So, if I live in Colorado I can just pot MJ in the front yard and let it grow for anyone to pick and smoke? I don't see this ending well at all.

no, but i think folks are allowed to grow a set number of plants
there are still the age requirements (like alcohol)
Just used some of my sample on my orchids... in my kitchen. I am gonna conduct the will-the-wife-notice-the-smell-when-she-gets-back-from-work test and see what happens. I'm guessing not, as the smell is fading fast as the water on the foliage dries out.

Test failed - the wife noticed the smell. Luckily it was completely gone by the morning so I'm gonna keep using the product.

Ray - can the Inocucor be diluted, mixed with fertilizer, and stored for a while? I've only got a few pots that would need weekly treatment and it would be much easier to just mix up a gallon at a time and store it for several weeks.

OK, I got a sample and will be doing a photo comparison, of flasklets and other plants with and without problems. I normally use 8 gallons per watering; do I need to mix 8 gallons of the stuff or can I dilute further?
Test failed - the wife noticed the smell. Luckily it was completely gone by the morning so I'm gonna keep using the product.

Ray - can the Inocucor be diluted, mixed with fertilizer, and stored for a while? I've only got a few pots that would need weekly treatment and it would be much easier to just mix up a gallon at a time and store it for several weeks.


It can be mixed with fertilizer and applied, but I would not store it once diluted.

I think that for a biological or hormone treatments, a fresh batch for each application is the best approach, however, for seedlings in my basement nursery, I do keep a quart spray bottle of "bug solution" handy to mist them daily, but that usually gets refilled a couple of time a week.
How would I use it in conjunction with KelpMax? I usually apply KM every 2 weeks, at 1:200 dilution. Should I go to KM once a month, and Inocucor in between, so the plants are getting a supplement every two weeks? Or just throw everything together, every two weeks?
Your dose is OK - maybe a bit wasteful (I do 1:256), but I recommend never using KelpMax more often than every 3 or 4 weeks - I use it monthly (if I remember), and also apply the IGS monthly, two weeks later.
Thanks ray and just so you know I do not ingest any drugs!! In any way!!! I just know some info, a guy I used to work with was the propostion 215 campaign manager, does ph up or down affect this wonderfull product?
The VP of sales for Inocucor, who is an avid paph species grower, advises it be kept on the slightly acidic side of neutral, but unless your water quality is way out of kilter, I think mixing and then immediate application will do little, if anything to the bugs.
I assume the "bugs" in this product must be in spore form or it would not have long term shelf life. Until the spores start to grow they are almost indestructible compared to almost any other living thing. Anything you are preparing to apply to your plants is probably not going to affect them unless stored for days. Even then, if stored refrigerated they are probably stable for a week or more. At least, that is how I am approaching use of this product based on my understanding of endospore forming bacteria.

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