Fritz Schomburg from OZ

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May 29, 2011
Reaction score
southern Indiana
This is another FS that I grew out of a flask from OZ. The parents are besseae "Mega" x an FCC kovachii. None have been keepers, but I still have 4 that will bloom for the first time in the next month or so. So far, all had halos and none were flat. This one was disappointing because the bud was very red on the outside, but ended up looking like the others. The NS is 13 cm. At least the dorsal is not too badly pinched. Mike
I have various Besseae and kovachi species and hybrids. Leaf tips develop a yellow color. Still growing, but not thriving...Do you know ph and hardness of your water?
I blend 6 ppm RO water with very hard tap water at a ratio of 5:1. To this I add very small amounts of fertilizer, so that the final irrigation water is about 100 ppm. I water at least every other day. If I'm away for more than a few days, I put all of the phrags into trays of water. If I notice yellow on the kovachii or its hybrids, I add a little dolomite and it clears up in a week or so. It is likely a problem with the pH, but I never bother to check. The little phrags are growing in moss and most of the large ones are in Orchiata/perlite mix. A few are in Promix. They all seem to be happy. Mike
I blend 6 ppm RO water with very hard tap water at a ratio of 5:1. To this I add very small amounts of fertilizer, so that the final irrigation water is about 100 ppm. I water at least every other day. If I'm away for more than a few days, I put all of the phrags into trays of water. If I notice yellow on the kovachii or its hybrids, I add a little dolomite and it clears up in a week or so. It is likely a problem with the pH, but I never bother to check. The little phrags are growing in moss and most of the large ones are in Orchiata/perlite mix. A few are in Promix. They all seem to be happy. Mike
They look happy... thanks.