Yes you know what I mean. As far as rates, I read something just 2 days ago where they found a down-turn in growth rate after a certain concentration but damned if I can find it now.
This abstract suggests 20ml and 50ml per L were optimum for 2 different formulations which kind of says that 50ml of the first and 20ml of the second was not as good.
If you would like to pay for the full text, I would love to read it:evil:
In this trial 10-15ml was not enough and 100ml was too much:
Thanks Mike,
had a look and noticed you're having a typo in the above; the text says mg/liter, that is one tousand(1/1000) of ml/l or mg/l = ppm for that sake. According to the first paper 20-50ppm of the humic substance should therefore be enough. This is of course promising for those of us that have to pay:rollhappy: