I just divided my Brassia and was disturbed to find purple rings around the rhizome where I cut pieces off. Is this Fusarium or another type of infection? Can anything be done? Systemic fungicides perhaps?
Yes it might. I think Ceary's is the same as Benalate. However I have gotten better results with the Prochloraz but it seems maybe it is not easy to find the USA.
I don't think it is worth it.
You are better off cutting into the tissues without any purple ring (using a sterilized cutting tool each time), drench those and hope for the best.
From what I understand, the part with the purple ring is a goner.
Wikipedia says that Prochloraz is not registered for use in the U.S.. I will experiment with the myclobutanil. I am noticing fungus-like symptoms on a few of my plants now. Undersides of leaves looking 'dirty', some turning yellow, then drying quickly to brown and falling off in a matter of a week or so.