Greater Lansing Orchid Society Show

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 14, 2022
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The Greater Lansing Orchid Society Show and Sale will be held on Saturday and Sunday, February 22nd and 23rd.
There is a new venue for this years show. It will be held at Van Atta’s Greenhouse & Flower Shop 9008 Old M-78, Hasslet, Michigan.
Since this is a new venue, it promises to be a wonderful show. Consult either the Greater Lansing web page or Van Atta’s website for details.
Hopefully the weather is decent and I can make it down.
Last year I had a huge import from ecuagenera and in my distraction with that managed to leave a bunch of purchases with a vendor. Thankfully my buddy knew someone from both lansing and grand valley societies and they got my plants to me.

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