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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hello from western NY State. I have been growing slippers since the Fall of 1972. Species, culture and multi-florals seem to interest me primarily. Greenhouse is 22' x 40'. Yes, jammed full with a heavy canopy of hanging cattleya etc.
My mom's family is Rochester/Geneseo/Buffalo.

Love to see pics of green house.
New member from Georgia

Got my first orchid in 1977 Have been hooked ever since. Have a small greenhouse that is full-- phals paphs, phrags, cats, and whatever else I think will fit. Am always looking for better ways to grow. Have had the greenhouse for over 20 years now and it is still such a treat
Welcome. Are you the Alan Saltzman I use to buy slipper seedlings from, 10 for 50.00? Also, have one of the first photographed randsii with 10 +/- flowers on it when searching the web?

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