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I was down for '1 or 2' viets; I only needed one really so the second one isn't necessary. If, however the people who ordered multiples wanted all of theirs at once, I could wait for the 1. I am still interested in the peach besseae, and if there were only red ones, am interested in one of them. Just let me know where and how to send and I shall; thanks!
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Linus I. Need a total.
Charles- contact Eric C (NYEric) who will get the viet(s) and bessae to you (if there is a peach one). Eric volunteered to give up a viet, but I'll let you, Eric-C and Eric-M decide how to divide up the 4 viets Eric-C has. As for the bessae, I did not look closely at the tags to determine if they were peach/flavum/regular red (there is a mix); also I did not open all the bessae packages up. Hope this helps. Linus
Hi All- just spoke with Eric C on the phone. Slight change- reimburse Eric C, not me. Russell, I just refunded your payment, so please confirm that you got your refund.
But Cheyenne, I have the roth(s) and your viet(s) (I have 3 viets we can split); trying to figure out the best way to get the plant(s) to you. Will you be at AOS judging April 5? Of course Cheyenne you reimburse me (not Eric C).
What AOS jufging do you mean? Where is it? Let me know and we can figure something out. Probably easier to email me, you have my address right?
Sorry to hear that. Feel better soon. I can hold the plant for you or pot it up and drop it at your house. Up to you.I have a little problem Eric......I'm in the hospital right now with a small bowel obstruction,,if it doesn't clear itself by Monday, I'll need surgery, so I might be here a while.
What color besseae are you interested Eric? I'll commit to 5 normal colored, if that's what you're going for.
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