Hairy things

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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My wife gets excited by these hairy buds and stems. I understand now that I was born with far to little hair on my chest for my own good :)

Can you gess the species (image 1, 2 and 4) and the primary cross (3)?
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Um, just wild guesses.. I've too few paphs to be able to identify them straightaway... No. 1 is callosum or barbatum, no.2 is Maudiae alba or some hybrid with sukhakulii in it? No. 3 is delenatii or micranthum :confused: n no. 4 is um, hirsitissimum? :confused:I think the spike is not coming from the mottled leaves in the background, is it? I think all my guesses will be wrong. haha...:p:eek:
Haha, sorry.. I mixed the numbers up. It's number 3 that is a hybrid, not number 2.

No 1 is not callosum or barbatum
No 2 is not a hybrid.. so you are VERY close here
No 3 You have mentioned one of the parents
No 4 The spike is coming from the mottled leaves, so it's not hirsutissimum

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