They are standing on 200 gallons custom build from acrylic, I drill holds on the sides to control humidity & temperature. Yeap, there are 2 temperature zone in this small tank, one for colder paph and one for hotter paph & and dendro. I also have a custom water control so water won't get below 1" or over 2", I have a reserve 55 gallons drum mix with 125ppm from MSU. Water also automaticly dump and refill every 3 weeks. 4 of 48" T5 light with 12 ON and 12 OFF. I'm really please with this setup, I go ahead and build a bigger tank. Since, I learn most of thing from this forum (Ray for S/H, Xavier for pet control, Raymond for the tank, etc ...), I will finalize my diagram and post it here, it just gives people an idea how to do it, I realize it, temperature of location is diff, so you have to drill holes or plug it depend on outside temperature. I use Microchip PIC 877A to control mostly everything, I will be glad to share that with you too.
Sit back and relax, all you have to do is refill the 55gallons once in awhile
Thank you for those who help