So, I checked on my Paphiopedilum Armeni White yesterday.
All the tiny little ones and not so little ones looked dead. The live ones have this glossy surface while the dead ones look dry and even with white edges as some have their edges off the plant while the whole thing is still on the leaf.
A little background info.
This plant is packed with over 30 growths and four spikes in bloom with many more coming.
About two weeks ago, I discovered that it was suffering a major case of brown soft scale infestation. Soooooooooo many!!!
I panicked and removed as many as I could see using my nails and a toothpick. I could not reach many of the growths that are too tightly packed in, and many adult sized ones were near the base of the growths.
I had a bottle of (Bonide "Eight" insect control for home and garden, ready to use) which is 0.2 sulfur and 0.02 pyrethrin.
With gloves on, I literally sprayed the **** out of that thing, making sure all the leaves front and back, were completely wet with this stuff.
I repeated this a few days later. By then, the bottle ran out.
That was last week. I checked the plant and the scales looked dead then.
I obtained a bottle of 1.47% immidacloprid concentrate from friend sunday and used it as a drench on all my plants.
Armeni White was treated with this on Tuesday.
I checked the leaves again yesterday and the scales looked dead.
I'm not sure the spray killed them all first or immidacloprid kicked in this fast, but the bugs are dead!!!
I will of course keep my eyes on the plants though, in case there might be any survivors.
Actually I am going to a garden store to see if they brought back this Eight product. They didn't have it in my last visit last week.
I'm going to buy a few bottle. I wish it came in a bigger bottle.