Don't get me started on Reagan....I've always said that I will not talk politics on an orchid forum....usually before I get started....Not only did he raise the drinking age (hey, I never even drank a full beer until I got to college...thought it tasted like...well, you know....then the first day of college, and they were pouring it for us! 'nuff said on that count...........) but he switched the start of daylight savings time to early, I grew up with DST at the end of April..days were long enough to not have problems adjusting..but when it switched to early April, I discovered how exhausting it could be...takes a week to recover! And now, everyone's favorite president wants to set it 2 weeks earlier and 2 weeks later (maybe he is the reason that people seem so inclined to look favorably on Reagan these days....I guess the bunyons feel better when the hemorrhoids act up....) Take care, Eric