Have we had a film thread?

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Funny. When our 4 y.o. butchers a sentence we sometimes say "spit it out Yoda" or "Who are you now? Yoda?". Is that mean? :)

Yes. But nobody said mean can't also be funny. :)

And I believe the quote was "Do, or do not. There is no try."
My favorites list is too long to mention, but I will recommend one I just watched on HBO recently: Inception.

I will admit that I was engrossed but lost the first time I watched it. So I watched it for a second time the next day (yay, DVRs!), and had to backtrack several times to make sure I understood what was going on. BUT, it is such a truly original idea that despite being confused the first time through, I kept thinking about it all the next day, and was anxious to see it again, just so I could really GET what was going on. On second viewing, it was even more interesting than the first time!

Oh, and John is definitely right about the Yoda quote...I tell that to my kids all the time!
OK, I tried to ignore this thread, but a few of my favorites are...
Terminator 2! - "Get Out!"
Once upon a time in China.
The outlaw Josey Wales. "Now he spits!"
Little Big Man.
The Matrix. "the Blue pill or the Red pill.."
Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.
Brother from another planet. "watch me make all the white people disappear!"...
This is not my usual day off behavior, woke up with debilitating back pain (not anything new, just worse today than usual). Don't want you all thinking I'm lazy. :) swear I am going to make muffins though. Too many zukes!

hey, if you look on the favorite recipes thread, you will find two recipes for zucchini bread; one is pineapple and the other chocolate. both are excellent and I have people asking for more all the time. also a co-worker gave me a recipe for zucchini puff, which he says is easy to make. great for using up the mounds of zucchini. another way to get rid of that z faster when making bread or muffins is to grate it, freeze it and then when you want to use it, thaw it out and drain all the liquid. pack it into the measuring cup and you can use up a lot, and the bread is lighter and has more fiber/z in it

I can't think of a favorite movie, though I watched a bunch of eastwood and wayne movies as a kid (plus lots of sci-fi).

Maybe we should have a 'worst movies' thread? I vote for 'hisssssssss', some stupid movie, maybe made for tv back in the 70's (I think) about a dummy who has tons of snakes and makes a 'serum' that turns a person into a snake-man and I think he takes it and attacks people. also maybe an ancient movie called 'ants' from back before they had color.... though actually now that I think about it, there was a time after a party long, long ago in a place far, far away when we were all hung over and the only movie on cable was 'convoy'... it was horrible, it actually made us all ill trying to watch it
Forbidden Planet. One of the best Sci-Fi of this era. They had a kind of device that looked just like the transporter in Star Trek years later. I remember actor Leslie Nielsen was captain of the ship.
Saw Yojimbo not to long ago. It's a black and white japanese movie from 1961. It was used as a basis for "Clint Eastwoods Fistful of Dollars" (which i never saw). I'm not a big black and white movie fan but this movie was actually pretty good.
Same with Eastwood. I must have seen that one fifty times and never get tired of it. And it's in colour. And who can forget the musical score in Sergio Leone's movies.
Just saw "Beginners" with Ewan Macgregor and Christopher Plummer. Would have been a really good movie if somebody had seriously edited it some more. Some movies simply should not be more than 90 minutes long. Christopher Plummer was worth the whole movie, though!

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