I have had a look to this forum from time to time - now I'm registred since four days ago. I live in Germany and I grow orchids now for about 25 years. In the eightees of the last century (what a long time ago) I grew many orchids in my greenhouse. But due to moving house in 1989 I had to go back to indoor growing. I'm focussed on the genus Paphiopedilum - at the moment I grow about 80 different species of this genus plus 3 hybrids. Beside them I grow a few other orchids (e.g. Catasetums, Cattleyas, Ascocentrums and so on).
At the moment Paph. purpuratum and Paph malipoense are in bud in my collection and the flowers of Paph henryanum, P. hermannii and P. helenae are just fading.
That's for the first - best regards from Germany (the other side of the pond)
At the moment Paph. purpuratum and Paph malipoense are in bud in my collection and the flowers of Paph henryanum, P. hermannii and P. helenae are just fading.
That's for the first - best regards from Germany (the other side of the pond)