Hello from Albuquerque NM

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I am vary excited about learning more about the slipperworld. I grow in a small greenhouse, by windows with supplement lighting and on growcarts and enjoy all orchids that are unique with a bit of a twist. I also grow a bunch of plueros and enjoy them alot as well.
Glad to see we got the kinks worked out and you're able to log on and post now. Welcome and howdy.
Hello and welcome...you live in one of my favorite areas. In fact I own a couple orchids I bought 2 1/2 years ago in Santa Fe. Glad to have you join ST.

Thanks Candace, thanks for making me feel like I have some computer experience.
Welcome Dennis!
Sorry I was unable to help you quickly but I had no access to email or the internet as I was in the hospital when you were having trouble. It is never our intention to hold things up, sometimes the forum just has to take a back seat for a few days when life gets in the way. Glad you made it!
Delego...I picked them up at Trader Joe's, they had just come in and were not out on the floor yet. They were setting in the back hallway near the bathrooms. All had name tags. I have yet to rebloom the one Dendrobium. A friend of mine that lives there say's a plant/flower shop just 1 blk. south of Whole Foods advertises orchids for sale. She lives on Gilmore right by Whole Foods.

Thank you everyone for all the kind words and hope to learn more about slippers and to grow them happily.
Hello Heather, I am happy you are feeling better now and had no worries about the very small issues considering how life can be very challenging at times. I hope you are feeling better and recovery is swift. Enjoy your day.
:clap: :clap: WELCOME Delego! Sounds like you take advantage of all growing spaces!

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