Hello from Wa

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Thank you, yes and yes. Yes they are all healthy(fingers crossed that continues) and yes there are a plethora of blooms out now! I have alot of paphs AND phrags (and other genera) so seems like something is always blooming.
I use BotanicalLed lights mainly of different wattages. 4 ft High output/spike producers for catt shelf and shelves with large space for tall plants, 4ft and 3 ft medium for for most other shelves and some low output for close shelving.
After reading your response I went up and took these pics!
All white paph is Joseito #2 x delenatii v alba that bloomed 4 flowers. Just lost the 1st one last week.
If you have basement space you might consider a grow tent? Of course heat, fans and light are needed
They are spectacular. The Joseito is especially wonderful. It seems like mainly the phrags and maudie types are in bloom right now? I am fighting hard not to let myself get sucked down the phrag road-not having an orchid room yet😂. If you have time, could I ask another question, two actually. Do you water by hand? And, assuming you acquired most of the paphs as seedlings, have they all bloomed okay? I have read that inter subgenera crosses often produce distorted flowers, for example a cochlopetulum crossed with a brachypetulum. Or maybe that was the case in the early days of hybridizing. I am a bit hesitant to buy some of these crosses without seeing them bloom but I am still drooling over them.
They are spectacular. The Joseito is especially wonderful. It seems like mainly the phrags and maudie types are in bloom right now? I am fighting hard not to let myself get sucked down the phrag road-not having an orchid room yet😂. If you have time, could I ask another question, two actually. Do you water by hand? And, assuming you acquired most of the paphs as seedlings, have they all bloomed okay? I have read that inter subgenera crosses often produce distorted flowers, for example a cochlopetulum crossed with a brachypetulum. Or maybe that was the case in the early days of hybridizing. I am a bit hesitant to buy some of these crosses without seeing them bloom but I am still drooling over them.
Yes I generally water by hand to get a good pour through. Alot are in trays so they are easiest. I water alot in summer. Think painting the Golden Gate bridge. I atart at one end and by the time I get to the end, start all over again...lol. Its not as bad as it sounds.
As for flowering I havent had any deformities yet with any paph crosses. I HAVE had a couple different phrags missing a petal and one a part of the pouch but they were one flower only on the multi flower spike
Yes I generally water by hand to get a good pour through. Alot are in trays so they are easiest. I water alot in summer. Think painting the Golden Gate bridge. I atart at one end and by the time I get to the end, start all over again...lol. Its not as bad as it sounds.
As for flowering I havent had any deformities yet with any paph crosses. I HAVE had a couple different phrags missing a petal and one a part of the pouch but they were one flower only on the multi flower spike
That's good to know, about flower shape. I think I will keep taking risks. I love watering my pitiful 15 plants by hand. I feel like I get to know them that way. But if I had to do it everyday I am not so certain I would feel the same way. Maybe I will find out some day. 😂. Thanks for sharing your photos and your experience.
That's good to know, about flower shape. I think I will keep taking risks. I love watering my pitiful 15 plants by hand. I feel like I get to know them that way. But if I had to do it everyday I am not so certain I would feel the same way. Maybe I will find out some day. 😂. Thanks for sharing your photos and your experience.
I agree with the hands on to know the plants! I get to see baby buds that way and follow all the way to fruition.
Thank you. I am so glad to have discovered slipper talk. It is a nice distraction from, and substantially more informative than, the constant surfing of orchid vendors. 😂

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