Hello from Buckingham VA

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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New Member
Feb 28, 2025
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Buckingham VA
I just got home from the orchid show in Richmond VA and bought a cattleya that I had never heard of. When I got home, I nerded out over all of my new orchids.

The one I was looking for was Cattleya trianae var. semi-alba flamea ‘Kathleen’. In doing my Google search, I found a post in this forum with beautiful pictures. So I wanted to join. So hello!
Welcome! I really wanted to go to the Richmond show this year, but it didn't work out. How was it? It was a blast the last time I went a couple of years ago.

What kind orchids did you get? Even though this forum is historically and nominally geared towards slipper orchids, it also has a very big presence of non-slippers as well. I love that about this place, it's quite inclusive in that respect.

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