I know what you mean Theresa about the ice and snow. Last Thursday we had a VERY bad ice storm here. We have tons of damage. A limb hit the propane tanks and the copper tubing that was strung from one 80 gallon tank to the next. Good thing it didn't tear the hose but only crimped it. It's now Tues and some people are still without power. We had planed ahead and had a guardian generator that comes on automaticly when you lose your power. However we did have a hugh branch broke off of a tree and hit the greenhouse crushing the frame and breaking a few pains of double glass. The limb is still sticking into the green house. There are still two hugh branchs that broke and are swinging over the greenhouse. Most of the 3/4 inch of ice has melted so thats a good thing. Looks like a war zone around here. Four or five years ago a tornato hit my house and this is worse then that. My wife is so scared she wants to take down the tree that is at least twice as tall as our house. One guy she talked to said they will need to bring in a crane. Oh what we do for our orchids. The import thing is we are O.K. and so are the contents of the greenhouse. When things settle down I'm going to write a post about being prepared for this type of thing.