Although I just started my orchid journey this past spring-- I already found myself deep into the rabbit hole. Instead of simply collecting hybrids or species, I'm more interested in breeding my own and selling one day! My goal is to crossbreed one of three by the end of the year: Paph Ho chi minh (delenatii var. dunkel x vietnamense) x Primulinum 'In charm,' Delenatii (fragrant) x Emersonii 'pink blush' x 'wild heart,' and/or my two Bellinas: Bellina f. coerulea x 'red' and Bellina var. alba. I tend to lean toward soft-colored, delicate-looking, and fragrant flowers rather than the bold, in-your-face variant. Any guidance or tips into the world of crossbreeding is very much appreciated! Nice to meet you all!