Well-Known Member
Hello, my name is Aaron, I grew a few orchids years ago in my late teens and early twenties (got into orchids from growing carnivorous plants) I had a very small green house that my parents allowed me to turn the back porch into. Grew a mixture of things for several years until one winter for some reason heating cost went thru the roof (I believe a natural disaster may have caused it but I don't remember) Anyway I didn't have the money to pay and so my parents made me get rid of the green house and I got out of growing the orchids but continued with the carnivorous plants because the majority of them I grow outside year round in this area. Anyway long story short I got back into growing orchids about a year ago and right now am growing under lights but have plans to build a greenhouse in the next one to two years. I grow a mixture of things but my favorites being the slipper orchids.