I repotted my Caudatum 'Jon Sauer' AM/AOS, and my Red Lightning 'Windy hill' HCC/AOS x Caudatum 'Windy Hill' CCM/AOS a couple of hours ago.
They both have small roots, and just 4-10 roots at most. I potted both into a 3" pot, the smallest pot I have, but they still seem a bit wobbly. Is this okay?
For the Red Lighting: I used leca, some perlite and a little bit of sphag here and there. (I just used what I potted it in a couple days ago.) When I got closer to the top I started adding a bit more perlite and sphag. It needed something to anchor it down at the top because most of the roots were short. He still wobbles, but not as much as the previous pot.
For the Caudatum: I used as much leca as I could; some perlite got mixed in here and there, but not as much perlite as the red lightning. So a little more airy throughout? I did use more perlite at the top with a little sphag too; most of the roots are short. I did save some bark with what looks like live moss from the original potting mix; I just placed it on top. I used leca to give this one more air.. but unfortunately, he wobbles a bit more than the Red lightning.
Do you think they'll be okay if they're a bit wobbly? Does the mix sound/look airy enough for the caudatum types?
On another note. I'm thinking about unpotting my Fritz Schomburg the first. He's in sphag, but to me, it seems too packed? It is more compacted in the middle and bottom.
Would I be doing more harm by unpotting him, and either removing some sphag, and possibly adding some perlite for air? Would it be more harmful to leave him in the sphag? I've never really grown anything in just pure sphag, so I want to know what would give him the best chance. Before I repotted or damaged him at all, he was in fine bark mix that was fairly broken down.
Sorry for all the questions.
Red lightning x Caudatum, root or rotted new growth?
Red Lightning x Caudatum roots
Red lighting x Caudatum, in new pot. Enough air?
Caudatum 'Jon Sauer' roots
Caudatum in new pot. airy enough?
Caudatum side view of pot
Fritz the 1st.
They both have small roots, and just 4-10 roots at most. I potted both into a 3" pot, the smallest pot I have, but they still seem a bit wobbly. Is this okay?
For the Red Lighting: I used leca, some perlite and a little bit of sphag here and there. (I just used what I potted it in a couple days ago.) When I got closer to the top I started adding a bit more perlite and sphag. It needed something to anchor it down at the top because most of the roots were short. He still wobbles, but not as much as the previous pot.
For the Caudatum: I used as much leca as I could; some perlite got mixed in here and there, but not as much perlite as the red lightning. So a little more airy throughout? I did use more perlite at the top with a little sphag too; most of the roots are short. I did save some bark with what looks like live moss from the original potting mix; I just placed it on top. I used leca to give this one more air.. but unfortunately, he wobbles a bit more than the Red lightning.
Do you think they'll be okay if they're a bit wobbly? Does the mix sound/look airy enough for the caudatum types?
On another note. I'm thinking about unpotting my Fritz Schomburg the first. He's in sphag, but to me, it seems too packed? It is more compacted in the middle and bottom.
Would I be doing more harm by unpotting him, and either removing some sphag, and possibly adding some perlite for air? Would it be more harmful to leave him in the sphag? I've never really grown anything in just pure sphag, so I want to know what would give him the best chance. Before I repotted or damaged him at all, he was in fine bark mix that was fairly broken down.
Sorry for all the questions.
Red lightning x Caudatum, root or rotted new growth?

Red Lightning x Caudatum roots

Red lighting x Caudatum, in new pot. Enough air?

Caudatum 'Jon Sauer' roots

Caudatum in new pot. airy enough?

Caudatum side view of pot

Fritz the 1st.