Colorado has around 25 native orchids including the beautiful slipper, Cypripedium parviflorum. Most grow between 8,000 - 11,000 feet above sea level and are dormant most of the year.
I’ve been growing orchids for about 4 years, mainly cattleya and catasetinae. I started flasking about a year and a half ago and that has become my main area of interest. I have a very small collection so seed production is very limited but I have been fortunate enough to receive capsules from a generous member of the Orchid Board to help me get more practice. I’m always looking for different genera and species to work with so please reach out if you ever have surplus capsules or seeds you’d be willing to share for my growth and I will happily send back a flask if successful. Thanks for having me and any consideration!

I’ve been growing orchids for about 4 years, mainly cattleya and catasetinae. I started flasking about a year and a half ago and that has become my main area of interest. I have a very small collection so seed production is very limited but I have been fortunate enough to receive capsules from a generous member of the Orchid Board to help me get more practice. I’m always looking for different genera and species to work with so please reach out if you ever have surplus capsules or seeds you’d be willing to share for my growth and I will happily send back a flask if successful. Thanks for having me and any consideration!

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