Hi from St. Paul, MN

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hi Jeran,
I haven't joined OSM because I know I won't have a good attendance rate at the meetings:D I'd only want to go if there was a speaker. Thanks for all the info though, I may join later on.

Hi Linh!
We always have a speaker at the regular meetings of the OSM, held at noon on the third Saturday of the month, usually at Bachman's on Lyndale Ave. S in Minneapolis. Speaker for this month is
Nov. 15 - Peter Lin "Spectacular Orchids from Around the World"

There is no regular meeting in December, just a Holiday Party

For the January and February meetings, the speakers will tentatively be Jason Fischer and Robert Q. (Drorchid). I'm not sure which speaks each month, but both are excellent speakers.

All meetings are open to the public. Feel free to come and check us out before deciding to join! Ask anyone to point out me (Ross) or Jeran and we will be happy to show you around.:)
Hi all, I'm the Peter Lin who will be speaking at this month's meeting. I think I will have to bundle up from hot and sunny Calilfornia to the cold Minnesota!
If you will be there, please introduce yourselves and mentioned you are a member of Slippertalk! I would love to meet you in person!
Peter T.
Hi all, I'm the Peter Lin who will be speaking at this month's meeting. I think I will have to bundle up from hot and sunny Calilfornia to the cold Minnesota!
If you will be there, please introduce yourselves and mentioned you are a member of Slippertalk! I would love to meet you in person!
Peter T.

Hi Peter,
I'll be sure to introduce myself. It's great to see Slippertalk members in person! This year has been very good to me: I got to see Jim (jblanford), Leo S., and Rose (goldenrose) at the Chicagoland Orchid Festival, NYEric, Scott Ware, and Bob in Albany at the Slipper Orchid Symposium, and now Peter Lin and hopefully Tracy at this month's OSM meeting.:clap::clap::clap:
Hi all, I'm the Peter Lin who will be speaking at this month's meeting. I think I will have to bundle up from hot and sunny Calilfornia to the cold Minnesota!
If you will be there, please introduce yourselves and mentioned you are a member of Slippertalk! I would love to meet you in person!
Peter T.

I'll be introducing myself. I got to meet Ernie and would have meet goldenrose if Ross would have pointed her out.:p

It's not cold here "yet.":) It only go to down to the mid 20's so far at night. I'm counting down the days until what some out of state people would call "cold." Can't wait to the ice freezes and its Hockey Time!!!:clap:

Hi Jeran,
I haven't joined OSM because I know I won't have a good attendance rate at the meetings:D I'd only want to go if there was a speaker. Thanks for all the info though, I may join later on.

Like Ross said we have speakers every month and I actually found about the MN society through Ross on the forum.
LOL! anything under 40 degrees is considered cold for us Californians. Just last week it was over 95 for 9 days in a row! It was quite crispy at 5% humidity too.
We are finally getting some cooler weather now.
Peter T.
LOL! anything under 40 degrees is considered cold for us Californians. Just last week it was over 95 for 9 days in a row! It was quite crispy at 5% humidity too.
We are finally getting some cooler weather now.
Peter T.
Peter, you mentioned you were going to try and visit Jason before the OSM lecture. Hope you find some interesting neo or slipper to take back to CA!

I've been out to SoCal several times and I DO envy your nice weather. I also miss getting Boba drinks in Garden Grove and the Korean BBQ places in Koreatown. I love being 20 minutes away from OL but asian food wise, I feel deprived here in MN:sob:
You are younger than I am , I grew up in Saigon, and that old name is still dear to my heart.
I hope one day, the peoples will restore the old name back same way russian voters chose to restore their city's name Saint Petersburg back from Leningrad.
Someone told me that the US government wanted to ensure a succesful assimilation, disperse the refugees among the states so that there is no large population in one place like florida cubans.
But in the end the weather won out, peoples would just naturally gather back in those states that have hot weather. I suspect that as my bones will get unbearable achy from winters, I wouldn't mind end up in california, no matter how small a place I will be able to afford.
Hien, have you been back to Vietnam since you left? Just to visit?
Hien, have you been back to Vietnam since you left? Just to visit?

So far, I have not been back. I think the californians are more likely to take the trip, since it is a shorter trip.
So far, I have not been back. I think the californians are more likely to take the trip, since it is a shorter trip.
So where are you located, if I may ask?? I went back to Vietnam to visit about 4 years ago. The total flight time was around 12 to 13 hours. After about 10 hours, I wanted to open the emergency exit and jump out. It was a great time though. We stayed at Rex Hotel and they had amazing banh cuon. I ate fresh mit and sau rien on the street as well as mam lau at one of those dirty shacks along the road, and ca kho, longan, etc....
Too bad I never got to see any orchids there.
Beware local Minnesotans, this lady is nothing but trouble, avoid at all costs!

Hopefully I can attend the next meeting as well to try and keep her under control. Maybe I'll bring a few neos :).

OK just kidding, she's a sweetheart.
Hahaha, Jason... :evil:

Um, so which one of you is bringing the STF cards? Huh? Need some? Let me know, please!
You know we have quite a few vendors here who are throwing one in with each slipper package they ship. :poke:

(I just ordered 1,000 more...hint hint!)

Honestly - it's so nice to see this sort of networking and meeting of friends in person going on, thanks in part to the forum. I met a couple people from the forum and people affiliated with work and the Garden Club of America this weekend and it's so fabulous to put a name with a face and talk in person.

It's going to be so great when I finally get to one of the major slipper events and get to hug you all but I love how global we are and how exciting it is when we all finally meet.
I got a great thrill out of sending cards to Luxembourg today - Luxembourg!!!

Malaysia - you're up next kids! :)
Beware local Minnesotans, this lady is nothing but trouble, avoid at all costs!

Hopefully I can attend the next meeting as well to try and keep her under control. Maybe I'll bring a few neos :).

OK just kidding, she's a sweetheart.
OK, I had to laugh :rollhappy: as we have very different definitions of "out of control". To you, that means me leaving OL with 3 Phrags, 3 Paphs, 1 neo and 4 neo pots. To me, "out of control" brings back memories of me sitting on the can in some hotel in Cancun, wearing my skirt over my head and puking in my own lap. Thank goodness you did not know me in my mid 20's. No more of that. I grow orchids now:noangel:

Heather, hope you had a great time at the show!