Hi Jeran,
I haven't joined OSM because I know I won't have a good attendance rate at the meetingsI'd only want to go if there was a speaker. Thanks for all the info though, I may join later on.
Hi Linh!
We always have a speaker at the regular meetings of the OSM, held at noon on the third Saturday of the month, usually at Bachman's on Lyndale Ave. S in Minneapolis. Speaker for this month is
Nov. 15 - Peter Lin "Spectacular Orchids from Around the World"
There is no regular meeting in December, just a Holiday Party
For the January and February meetings, the speakers will tentatively be Jason Fischer and Robert Q. (Drorchid). I'm not sure which speaks each month, but both are excellent speakers.
All meetings are open to the public. Feel free to come and check us out before deciding to join! Ask anyone to point out me (Ross) or Jeran and we will be happy to show you around.