Happy Holidays to everyone! I am thankful to have had such a nice day today which I was able to spend in quiet relaxation with my parents. We truly enjoyed our time together. Dinner was pretty good too! :drool: I'm also thankful for the following plants in my "garden" which are helping me to forget these cold and dismally dark days of late November:
Trichoglottis pusilla -- spiking in three places; lots of new root growth too
Neofinetia falcata 'Ootakamaru' -- in bud
Phal Frances Potter -- in bloom and in bud; also a new leaf is forming along with tons of new roots
Phal Equalacea, grex Sapphire's Indigo Equalacea -- in bloom and in bud plus forming yet another new spike with buds as well. The form and color of this flower just keeps getting better and better. The scent is exceptionally good, rich and spicy too. What a vigorous plant!
Phal Tzu Chiang Balm -- 6+ weeks into its bloom cycle and all the flowers are still just as fresh and fragrant as when they first opened. Now it's sending up a new spike to go with the other two, plus it's growing a new leaf and many new roots.
Phal NOID, a fragrant, branching, multifloral white with red/yellow centers from Walmart -- spiking yet again while forming a new leaf and a new batch of roots. This plant has been unstoppable since the day I purchased it on impulse.
Vandirea Newberry Jasmine x 2 -- both plants are spiking and growing like wildfire.
Massonia pustulata -- in bud (not an orchid)
There are many others plants doing the things which plants are inclined to do such as growing new roots, sending up new leaves or new growths and setting spikes for next Spring. I won't list them all, but I'm intently watching every one of them, thankful to have such a great hobby!