:evil: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
:evil: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
I'm not too far from Baltimore, although I don't know who John Waters is.Stephen, you're near Baltimore Hon? John Waters would be proud!
I've considered adding a freaks page to the site. This would fit in well.Freak'in weird Stephen. Please don't post this on your web page,ok?
The plant's doing well. I am hoping for a 4-year rebloom time since it's not growing in optimal conditions (indoors, humidity lower than I'd like).The lpant looks so healthy too.
I overfed my whole collection for a while when I thought it was lack of fertilizer rather than lack of light that was a problem. I suspect this may have contributed to this blooming.Wrong hairdo! lol
Unique, though!
Bloom it, again.
I saw this monstrous roth in bloom at a nursery, but it was only that one flower on the spike while other flowers were normal.
Did you feed it superthrive or something while the spike was developing??
I have no idea if the pollen from an aberrant bloom is normal or not...Hands down winner in the Paph forums ugly Paph category.
I wonder if that pollen would work with my Annabellchen...?