How to Decide Which to Use for Pod Parent?

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Aug 14, 2014
Reaction score
This is mainly about parvi x non-parvi hybrids.
I noticed that tags on almost all my such hybrids list non-parvi parent first, and as I understand it, that is supposed to the pod parent, right?

I'm assuming shorter time till harvesting as I read that brachy, multi & cochlopetalum mature pods a lot faster than other groups of Paphs?

With my very limited trial, I found brachy and sequential bloomer have dry stigma surface and won't take pollens from parvi. Maybe I should have used sticky agent like honey.

When I tried the other way around, it was very easy!

I wanted to remake ( hopefully) Jennifer Kalina but pollination did not even happen. I put the sticky pollen of chamberlainianum on my malipoense instead.
I used the spare pollen sac on malipoense hybrid.
Time will tell now.
You should also pose this question in the 'breeding and production' section (if you have not aleeady). might get more replies.

Good question and good luck. Sorry I could not answer you question.

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