How to sterilize plastic orchid pots?

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...about as bad as bleach.

If I'm not really motivated, I throw them in the trash. If I am motivated, I throw them in the recycle bin.

Plastics get brittle with time, and it's just not worth the hassle of repotting - again - when they break during normal handling.

Ray Barkalow
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...about as bad as bleach.

Ray Barkalow
Sent using Tapatalk

I have damaged plants with Physan but never with bleach.
Here in the Amazon while out in the jungle areas it is common practice to treat water with bleach and then drink it, no problem. But I would never consider drinking water with Physan.

I am really interested to know how Physan is not less harmful than bleach.
It's comparing apples and oranges, Lance.

I have never seen any plant damage with the use of bleach or Physan, but they require different concentrations to be effective.

If I used Physan at the same concentration I used bleach (one ounce per gallon), I'm quite sure there would be damage, but I'm also certain that if I used bleach at the rate I used Physan (1/2 teaspoon/gal), I wouldn't get a thorough a kill of pathogens.