I read there is now a viral outbreak... Water, food, shelter, hygiene. Why is that so hard for a disaster relief agency to get right?
Yes, Eric. Politics is very much like a man buying a dog to guard his house but then the dog barks all night, so he gets another dog which barks all night, so her gets another dog... It isn't so much that you bought a dog which barks as much as that dogs, by definition, bark. Similarly, politicians, by definition: lie, sell-out and serve themselves etc... if they didn't they wouldn't go far in politics. But your comments about business not being very helpful isn't exactly accurate.
Read this (yes, the author is bit over the top in his interpretation but his facts rarely are out). (Oh,
this little book on taxes and economics may give you another perspective to consider.) Faceless unaccountable government organisations rarely deliver for the simple reason that they are faceless and unaccountable. More often than not they just get in the way. My
Rotary Club is trying to upgrade several poor inner city schools. The Department of Education is more of a hindrance than a help. If we didn't have an inside man in Parliament who can call the Department out and kick up a fuss nothing would ever happen. Each of the damned bureaucrats would just follow the rules because as long as they follow the rules they get to keep their job. The more people can do for themselves without government interference the more can get done.
Having the benefit of being 1000s of miles away from the problem of the of exchange bums every election, it seems to me that the problem is that the general populace have been conned into believing that their only options are Democrat Bum 1 and Republican Bum 2 (which, lets face it, are perfectly interchangeable) when there are other well meaning (and often more consistent, ethical and honorable) candidates who never get considered. This idea of voting for the contender most likely at standing a shot at winning sounds to me just as much of a sell out as the politicians choosing one stance over another because it will win votes (rather than whether it is right or wrong). Of course, being 1000s of miles away means this isn't any of my business. I have enough problems here. The 2nd largest political party wants to turn us into a 2-party state where every year we get to vote between idiot 1 and 2 to run the country into the ground. Personally, I prefer the 1-party state where I have very little responsibility for whomever the President is who is running the country into the ground.
Eric, tell me more about that bridge... The ferry to Robben Island keeps breaking down and we need to get the high-paying tourists across in a timely fashion to gawk at Nelson Mandela's prison cell.
I fear, all this political talk will offend sensitive viewers and we'll end up in "The Outback" but if we can't discuss religion, sex and politics what else is there to talk about? The weather? Oh... that's politics again.
FYI: I am thrilled with the election outcome. This means more US investors fleeing to developing countries like South Africa. I see already the $ is taking a knock as the smart money flees. Bad news for all my unemployed and struggling friends in the US though.