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Why is it that it appears that everyone that is trying to sell something seems to be offended by my presenting a slightly different way of growing and displaying orchids? I seem to be a threat to some people! That was never my intent. These blogs often seem to have very obvious commercial under tone rather than open discussion! :confused:

Please don't assign motives based upon a few typed words.

Folks who know me - I've met a few here, and certainly communicated with many more for a long time - understand that my desire in participating in these discussions is to bring a broader, practical, more thorough and scientific understanding of orchid culture to as many as possible, and not based upon commercial interests. You might note, for example, that my response the the original post in this thread recommended that the individual use Hydroton when I really do have a larger financial stake in PrimeAgra. Yes, depending upon the locale and growing conditions, PrimeAgra might have been a better brand of LECA to use, but it wasn't relevant to the conversation.

My mentioning of the S/H pots was to contrast it to the Lechuza pot, which you appeared to claim was the best in all ways for hydroculture, using explanations that did not appear to consider all of the facts. Nothing more. You seem to be the one "threatened" by that.

One of the great things about this particular forum is that we all feel free to openly discuss all sorts of topics that are really pertinent - you should go find the paph nutrition megathread - with the confidence that differences of opinion will be discussed and analyzed based upon cold, hard facts. With that being the mindset of most of us here, and reflecting upon someone else's earlier comments - and please try to think about this a objectively - how much weight should one put on the comments of someone whose MO includes:

  1. making blanket statements
  2. talking down to others
  3. remains totally anonymous
  4. uses photos of someone else's greenhouse when supposedly describing his or her own growing conditions, and
  5. uses unverifiable claims of applicable credentials
I'm beginning to think you really do have a stake in Lechuza, and THAT was your whole point in joining this discussion!
Is this really the end?
I certainly can appreciate pretty pots but for some of us addicts I think we'd rather spend the money on more plants!!!
For tabletop/home display,I just slip the potted orchid in my ecopots from Kalapana Tropicals! That way, favored blooms can be seen at dining room table, coffee table,bedside table and in the guest bedroom.
Yeah, I have collected a variety of covers fro when the plants are in bloom and in the house - pot covers, cache pots, brass trash cans, etc.
Oh come on Ray, at this point in this thread don't suggest people put the "dixie" cups into a trash can for display!

:rollhappy: Skip the dixie cup...just use the trash can, but maybe stick a straw down one side for better air movement...or something like that :evil:
I think that glass tube is actually for monitoring water level in the reservoir, isn't it? I've seen something similar with a system called "Gemma Waterstones."