hysining glanz - permed?

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HELp- bought this plant in spike, a cross of prince edward of york x Hysining Franz, from the internet it is a gorgeous huge big multifloral.
these are the flowers they look like they went though the dryer or got a overdone perm. the plant was shipped in low spike, but has developed.. there is a previously bloomed growth, was purchased from a large orchid nursery. do plants bloom this BAD? normally.. and would a nursery keep a plant that had this bad a flower (it would be noticed I think) and send it to a client?
bad mutation? or caused by stress during spike development - hope hope..

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Definitely a bad hair day, but I would wait and see what happens on the next blooming-could be a variety of factors.

Definitely let it live to bloom a 2nd time. They don't look great, but the flowers don't look deformed, just badly formed. If they look that way again, well....compost is good for all plants.
I would cut the stem of the plant and wait and see how the flower develop next time.
Hey Hughes,
I have a Hsinying Glanz as well. On the previous blooms, 1 out of the three flowers showed the same symptoms as yours.

It might be stress cause I was moving when Hsinying Glanz was in spike. All three flowers did not last very long though!

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